Nov info center se nahaja v nekdanjem skladišču soli Monfort, ki po prenehanju osnovne funkcije postopoma dobiva nove vsebine, namenjene kulturi, prireditvam in raznovrstnim dogodkom. V vzhodnem delu skladišča smo zasnovali sodoben dvonadstropni objekt z info centrom in razstavnim prostorom v pritličju ter z večnamensko dvorano in kotičkom za pogostitve v nadstropju. Skozi stekleno steno se odpira pogled na zbirko tradicionalnega ladjarstva in na delavnico za gradnjo tradicionalnih plovil.

The new info center is located in the former Monfort salt warehouse, which is gradually getting new contents for culture and various events. In the eastern part of the warehouse we designed a modern two-storey construction with info center and exhibition space on the ground floor and multipurpose hall and a bar on the upper floor. Through the glass wall, there is a view on the traditional shipbuilding collection and on a workshop for the construction of traditional vessels.