Objekt se nahaja v historičnem jedru mesta Piran. Med investicijsko-vzdrževalnimi deli v pritličju so bile pred leti odkrite arheološke najdbe. Na pobudo občine Piran je bil izdelan projekt njihove predstavitve »in situ« v kletni in pritlični etaži stavbe. V nadstropju se nahaja multimedijska dvorana ter prostori Zveze kulturnih Društev Piran. Celoten objekt je namenjen kulturnemu središču in multimedijskemu muzeju mesta Piran, kar je obogatilo turistično ponudbo in dalo prostor ustvarjalcem, glasbenikom in umetnikom.  Poglavitni konstrukcijski poseg v stavbo je bil izvedba nove medetažne plošče kovinske konstrukcije, ki se pazljivo izogiba arheološkim najdbam.

The museum is situated in the historical town center of Piran. As maintenance works in the groundfloor were carried out a few years ago, archeological finds have been discovered. At the initiative of the Municipality of Piran the project for their presentation “in situ”  in the basement and in the groundfloor of the building has been carried out. On the first floor there is a multimedia room and an office of the Association of Cultural Societies of Piran. The entire building is dedicated to the cultural center and to a multimedia museum of Piran’s history, which has enriched the cultural and artistic happening in the town. The main structural intervention in the building was the insertion of the construction which carries the first floor, carefully avoiding the archeological finds.
